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Nature's Way

The signature of God is evident in the garden of flowers,
The still lake reflection of people passing,
The first bloom of a willow swaying in the breeze,
Alabama mountain bouquets of autumn,
In Virginia splendor of gold maples,
And white beach sand of Florida or the California coast line,
Creator of Earth, of life itself,
Coupled with time and a universe,
Space without limits, planets to balance,
And you have our heavenly Father's signature
He triumphs with every work,
Touched by His love, His wisdom, His infinite mercy and goodness
With every breath of air,
Minty fresh on a crisp winter Nebraska morning,
Or baked sunny side up on a hot blistery summer Oklahoma day
A man, a working body of science,
A woman, complementing each other,
A child, the two become one, a work of art
His signature is evident in nature's way

Toryann Slocum

Copyright ©2002 Toryann Slocum


My Poetry can also be found at Poetry.com
type Slocum; then type Tory
Although I think I have most of the poems here at this web site.

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