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Wrong Turn

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When life seems to have taken a wrong turn.

When life seems to have taken a wrong turn, Looking back, I see the path I chose led to an end where I did not want to be.

I regret and remorse and lament over this wrong turn. I see the path clear as a bright sunny day.

I look back. All my problems seem to have dissolved. I had it great. How could I have
made this grave mistake?

My reasons were justified, or so I thought, and now here I am stuck in a direction, I do not want to go.

The path leads long and straightforward with no turns back.
I lament and remorse and regret.

And then a ray of hope beams through my thoughts.
One step forward,
One step at a time,
One foot in front of the other,
One day at a time,
One hope for a different path,
One gust of wind a different direction,
One Lord Jesus Christ,
One Son of God our salvation,
The Lord teaches me patience with this path I walk.

One foot in front and then another,
One step anew each day shall change.
A new path will emerge, a new direction

The rainy day shall behold a promise,
And a new day shall emerge bright and sunny
With greener grasses
And flowers shout
Behold Our Father's promises.
The day displays New Hope with its promise of brighter days.
The wind shall gust a new direction.
I shall hope in the promise of greener grass and brighter days.
I shall wait on the Lord. One step, One hope in front of the other.

BY Toryann

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